Monday, November 16, 2015

Networking Diagnosing

As CENIGRAF located in Bogotá is the leader of the graphic industry network at national level, every day it is necessary to strengthen networking.  Being located in the capital city where a large number of graphic industries sector are concentrated, CENIGRAF requires to increase judicious work to strengthen its communication tools, spreading and strengthening of the sector to enable it to develop the potential of leadership to keep up the  world class sector that Graphic communication is.

Currently the center has platforms for training support to orient programs, blended learning and virtual training, strength trained instructors at national and international level, processes of labor skills certification, and quality system coming increasingly they are working not only for the improvement of the processes, but also for worker’s health safety and the care and environmental protection. The structure of this SENA’s quality system and these processes’ support can be seen at:
CENIGRAF has a blog where information focuses on the history, training programs, events and announcements in which learners can, or have participated, directory, news and a link to allow citizens to directly contact the center and get information and guide.  This blog’s address is

Talking about trends to 2030, where the digital age will be a powerful component development and process improvement, leaders in enterprises shall have skills in the management of TICs, as a strong tool in establishing new channels of communication and changing the nature of personal and professional relationships. Here it is very important the role of teachers in the development of these competences for bringing to the productive sector human talent with a new vision, not only in the comprehensive management of a set of general and technical knowledge but also values ​​such as humanism, that search social justice although still prevails despite, the shortage of resources and social inequality. It is also important: products achieving increasingly higher quality, with added values ​​such as the use of materials friendly with the environment, and like seeking alliances with state’s enterprises as the district secretary of the environment can become beneficial to the productive sector.

In order to improve the bridge that exists between CENIGRAF and the working life sector.  It is a good challenge to strenght  the apprentices follow up and the co-formers competences and get a real impact into the performance of the programs that CENIGRAF offers.